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The artistic production of Emilio Gutiérrez Freja costumbrista concept corresponds to a traditional view of nature ya los Hombre who inhabit it, as the conductors hacían sites devoted late nineteenth century. Emilio Freja has fashioned a muy personal pictorial universe reveals an artist of broad registration that has taken advantage of all the techniques and practices a craft, learned in different studies, workshops and School of Fine Arts. A lo su off work will be successfully exploited...

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The artistic production of Emilio Gutiérrez Freja costumbrista concept corresponds to a traditional view of nature ya los Hombre who inhabit it, as the conductors hacían sites devoted late nineteenth century. Emilio Freja has fashioned a muy personal pictorial universe reveals an artist of broad registration that has taken advantage of all the techniques and practices a craft, learned in different studies, workshops and School of Fine Arts. A lo su off work will be successfully exploited several modalities-dibujo creative, design, comic-within the common denominator in a realistic style free from fantasy and lyricism. Su imaginación Meeting in sus-themed paintings costumbrista place and a faithful interpretation with suggestive influences that would find that in the Valencian painting of the late nineteenth century. Su universe pictorial feeds de los mejores results of the Valencian School of the late nineteenth century, marked by various influences that estuvo sucumbían what surgio entonces, like naturalism, romanticism, realism, impressionism him Sorolla. The finiseculares these trends will be extracted themes inspired by the lives of these people sencilla the alquerías de la Huerta and the Canal de la Albufera. Paisaje huertano abound along the motives and scenes costumbrista places that bring us closer to a reality shaped in las mejores novels and stories of Vicente Blasco Ibañez, whom he admires. Su slope and consolidation in the paint in los años produjo cuando seventy discover he su paisaje and sustainable land and gents were the players most suited to peculiar su desarrollo plastic world of narrative character. Recurrió su extensive experience Illustrator to create sus personajes themed around typical farm laborers, fishermen, farmers and scenarios-de la Huerta-La Albufera valenciana, he Saler, the player, etc-. Success confirmed a scenario entranhável raigal and the base of vibrant colors, brushstrokes and agreed a wise combination of lights and shadows. In the opinion of art critic Lorenzo Berenguer, "know and love the ternary costumbrista, which offers us as profligacy. Y know why and by what he loves is the dare that plasmarlos various hues range of sensations, a reminder of other times, dessert near Nuestro present. Bellas Mujeres dressed in typical galas; Hombre happy that a high HACEN it esos terruño to celebrate moments of rest; corners landscaping always adorned with human figures, and as such corresponds to the inhabited world, that world years ago; celebrations festive, as the games named in the full splendor; Orillas beach so as corresponds to the White Mare Nostrum; cejales intermittent mecidos en la Raya del horizon. "Su hall work if it represented the Museum of Fine Arts in Valencia, the Casa Museu DNA. pike Concha, Embassy of Argentina in Madrid, Consulate Countries Bajo Valencia and other collections of Japanese, U.S., France, Germany and Portugal. Agramunt Francisco "Artistas del Siglo XX Valencia" Sometimes the filmmakers cuando which have the vanity to solemos creernos the only ones capable of telling arguments images produced by them, tenemos reconoces that the existence of painters who puedo ofrecernos wool supuesto instantaneous frame stories that go alla the simple anecdote portrayed. This is it If Emilio Freja, who su reconoces a painter of light heredero Valencian tradition, une su able to extend the provision of contemplation su ink with the imagination that it enriches theme proposals initially. My birthday, Check, Emilio Freja, by adding a quality painter su su wisdom of the narrator, something difficult en el art. Luis García Berlanga

Studies at School of Applied Arts and Crafts Art in Valencia, dibujo y courses in painting, teachers Dom Luis Valdes Canet, Don Adolfo Ferrer, Don Genaro La Huerta.

Course la Escuela Sindical Sculpture Sculpture with Professor Don Jose Was he Edo

Licensed in Bellas Artes por la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, specializing in painting and dibujo. Among teachers who he tuve en la School of Fine Arts, Mr. Joseph Was Edo, Don Luis Arcas Braun, Don Adolfo Ferrer, Mr. Benjamin Suri, Amerigo Don Salazar, Mr. Francisco Bathhouse, Don Sebastian Mares, Don Francisco Lozano, Don Victor, Mr. Philip Garin Llombart, Mrs. Rosario, Don Marcelino Gomez Pintado, Don Llorens numbers, Mr. James Robinson, Henry Bonet.

Doctoral Studies in the Department of him dibujo en la section recorded.

First exhibition in La Hoja del Lune de Valencia in 1970.

From 1971 until 1979, it has partnerships with the Art-Studium illustrating several books tuvieron great impact on holiday as important as Frankfurt (Germany) and Bologna (Italy).

In he year 1971, both with the Roll Editorial, Madrid, for three years.

Since he year 1971 to date, he held an intense activity as a portraitist

That same year, in the Gallery Exhibition Subasta Time Valencia.

In he year 1974, group exhibition with students in the Fine Arts Gallery Segrelles del Pilar in Valencia.

In partnership with him in 1975 a study of architects doing paintings for altarpieces for the decoration and worship from different churches.

Comienzo Galleries in 1976 in Valencia Segrelles my work in art galleries. Ello all, compatibilizándolo with my studies in la Escuela de Bellas Artes de San Carlos de Valencia.

On him in 2001, the cd cover of the first Section Award of Honor from the International Music Certamen Ciudad de Valencia on the band's Musical Athenaeum Cullen. That same year collaborates with producer Valenciana Barenco, in the realization of the film

"Pueblos y Costumbres Popular"

Graphic work

Playing over 150 pictures in screen formats and Advertising Art Ediciones Lamiart (Valencia)

Editorial Turia (Valencia)

Editorial Rauter, (Barcelona)

Editorial Hostench, S. A, (Barcelona)

Editorial Japizúa (Barcelona)

Poster bullish about it Torero finite Cordoba in lithography Ortega, conducted with the craft systems that house dich held for over one hundred years of life business.


- Embassy of Argentina in Madrid

- Consulate of Los Countries Bajo Valencia

- Caja de Ahorros Provincial de Alicante

- St. Pius V Museum of Valencia

- Pike Shell Museum, Valencia

- In several private collections

Solo Exhibition

Titian Room 1979 (Valencia)

1980 Caja de Ahorros Provincial de Alicante (Alcoy)

1980 Lloscos Gallery (Valencia)

Alcon Room 1981 (Madrid)

Room 1982 San Vicente (Valencia)

Room 1982 Alcon (Madrid)

Alcon Room 1983 (Madrid)

1983 Base Torrejon, Madrid (Madrid)

Room 1984 San Vicente (Valencia)

Room 1984 Derenzi (Castellón)

1985 Gallery Emecé (Alcoy, Alicante)

1985 Gallery Durán (Madrid)

Room 1986 Derenzi (Castellón)

Room 1986 San Vicente (Valencia)

1987 Gallery Tagro (Burgos)

Artelarre Gallery 1987 (Win)

Echeverria 1987 Gallery (San Sebastian)

Room 1987 Derenzi (Castellón)

1988 Mid-Art (Lion)

1988 Gallery Durán (Madrid)

Gallery 1988 spy (Torrelavega)

1990 Gallery Gabernia (Valencia)

1991 Gallery Gigarpe (Cartagena, Murcia)

1991 Gallery Zuccaro (Madrid)

1992 Gallery La Calahorra (Elche, Alicante)

1992 Gallery Llamas (Vizcaya)

1992 Gallery Llamas (Bilbao)

1992 Artis Gallery (Valencia)

Room 1993 Derenzi (Castellón)

Gallery 1995 El Corte Ingles (Palma de Mallorca)

Gallery 1997 Valencia El Corte Ingles

Exhibition anthology


Gallery 1998 El Corte Ingles, (Valencia)

2000 Artis Gallery,

" Painting Exhibition Maestros de la Valenciana

F. Alegre, J. Lluna, E. Freja Gutiérrez

Artis Gallery 2001 Valencia

Room 2001 Derenzi (Castellón)

2002 Eurogalería Art Llamas (Hondarribia)

2002 Eurogalería Art Llamas (Guipúzcoa)

2002 Exhibition in Las Arenas (Vizcaya)

2002 Art Exhibition Llamas (Bilbao)

Artis Gallery 2003 Valencia

Artis Gallery 2004 Valencia

Artis Gallery 2005 Valencia

2006 Exhibition Cultural Center to collect it. Valencia

2007 Exhibition at Gallery Artis Valencia

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